
MC: "Grandfather, what's this thing you always wear mean?" 

GRANDFATHER: "Means I served on the Mothership, boy." 

MC: "Does that mean you were born on Kharak?" 

GRANDFATHER: "Yes, boy." 

MC: "What was it like?" 

GRANDFATHER: "Oh, mostly it's... hard to remember now. I recall pink sands, blinding hot skies, as far as the eye could see. I was born long after we'd found the Guidestone." 

GRANDFATHER cont's: "Hah! It wasn't all sand and sky though, why, I remember, I visisted Old Tiir, the old capital, once." 

MC: "What was that like?" 

GRANDFATHER: "Oh, just the opposite, my boy! It was carved into the heart of a glacier at first, and sprawled out onto cold lands. I didn't like it much, and my father and I stayed on the move, together." 

MC: "Did you know anyone on Kharak when you joined the Mothership's crew?" 

GRANDFATHER. "...No... no boy... nobody at all." 

MC: "Were you awake the whole time, or were you a sleeper?" 

GRANDFATHER: "The former, boy." 

MC: "Huh. Did you get your big scar on the Mothership, grandpa?" 

GRANDFATHER: "Ah... no, boy. That was... some other time." 

MC: "So, what were the battles like?!" (Excited) 

GRANDFATHER: "Boy, I... no, I wasn't on-duty during any of the battles. I was just a cryotech. Keeping an eye on the caskets." 

GRANDFATHER: "What I do remember of the battles was the sound. Not much else." 

MC: "Awww... you don't remember any stories at all?" 

GRANDFATHER: "No, boy... no stories at all... Take my advice. Go on and see the stars, visit the old mothership every few years. But don't... don't become a spacer like me, grandson. You lose too much in the end." 


MC (ADULT): "Control, parade flight on standby and visual confirmation on the objective." 

FLIGHT CONTROLLER: "Roger that. You are green for first flyby."

WINGMAN: "It's going to be a beautiful day." 

MC: "All right, prepare for the split... Spirit Two, did you get checked out by the techs before you lifted off?" 

WINGMAN: "Roger that, systems were green." 

MC: "I can't make out what it is, transmitting visual." 

MC (continues): "Did security take the day off? Control, we're aborting flyby." 

WINGMAN: "Uh, Control, I'm getting major malfunctions. Main engines nonresponsive, maneuvering offline..." 

CONTROL: "Dispatching relief ships now, Spirit Two-" 

MC: "Cancel that, the skies are clear, Control. Nobody's in range. I'm going to attempt to retrieve Spirit Two myself." 

CONTROL: "Spirit Two, we've lost tracking on you. What's your status?" 

WINGMAN: " - ha- -st - ntr - - " 

MC: "Control, moving in to attempt another visual inspect-"