Garnet is my attempt at making a programming language that could be summed up as “What if Rust was simple?” The goal is to make a small, borrow-checked language aimed at lower-level programming, designed for portability and robustness.
Last updated Jan 2025.
What got done in 2024

- I made monomorphization kinda work, so I can now write (some) generic functions in Garnet that are impossible to write in Rust. Which I then promptly broke, because…
- I got to the point where monomorph needed more information from the typechecker to work, sighed deeply and decided it was time to Git Gud. So I…
- Bought Types And Programming Languages and read it, which was actually incredibly useful. Should have done that years ago, but years ago I might not have known what I wanted out of it. But it taught me enough to that I…
- Experimented a bunch with different type checker approaches and wrote a functioning proof of concept that theoretically does everything that I want Garnet to do, if not very conveniently. In the process I…
- Made const propagation work pretty much by accident, so I think handling the rest of the properties system shouldn’t be too hard. I just need to convince people (including myself) not to turn it into algebraic effects. As part of that I…
- Refactored some infrastructure for doing code rewrite passes, ’cause I was sick of the recursion-scheme approach. This has made some of the code a lot longer and other parts shorter, but the end result is universally easier to read and more powerful. So now I’m working on…
- Writing New Type Checker #4.
Type checker work
Well, my plan for Garnet’s type system always had a step in it that said “I don’t really know what to do here, so I’ll just do the stupid thing and push it as far as I can until I hit a wall.” Turns out if you do the stupid thing hard enough it leads you into some pretty advanced CS research. Not sure how to do metaprogramming? Just make generic structs full of closures. Not sure how to do fancy type system stuff? Evaluate everything possible at compile-time until you get something concrete. Sick of writing your own inference engine for every little thing? Let’s just try to just use Datalog. It hasn’t been great for Garnet’s goal of “don’t be a research project”, but has certainly been an interesting ride.
The upside of this is that I thiiiiink I know how to do pretty much everything I need to write Garnet now. Up to optimization and code generation, at least. But the backend is stuff I’ve done before; making shitty non-optimizing codegen is pretty easy, and making it less shitty is an incremental process that’s kinda orthogonal to the rest of the language. I guess writing a good borrow checker is still gonna be hard. And frankly you could spend your entire life on a single compiler backend and not be done with it, and people have. But that’s all just A Small Matter Of Programming.
The downside of this is that I’ve spent like… uh, jeez, like three and a half years or something working on type checking. That’s kinda depressing. Whatever window of opportunity Garnet may have had as a useful system programming language is probably closed by now. But I wanna make this thing exist dammit, so finally I just sat down, got some textbooks, and gave myself an undergrad class in type theory. Turns out, it’s not actually that difficult. It is confusing and loopy and recursive and hugely context sensitive and everyone uses a different damn greek letter for everything, but at its heart a lot of it is just layers of lambda calculus. So if you understand lambda calculus, even only conceptually, then type theory is something you can figure out.
So here’s the secret: a type checker is an interpreter.
Again, a type checker is an interpreter. When you
get into the theoretical foundations, types are treated just like values
that are only allowed to occur in certain places in the program, and the
type systems discussed in papers are programming languages descended
from lambda calculus. These programming languages are usually not
Turing-complete, and in real languages it is very heavily mixed up with
the “normal” language, so trying to translate what I already knew into
the stuff type theory lesson and papers talked about was hard as
balls to me. For example in Rust, writing
is really two function calls. One
is the “type language” function call Vec::<i32>
has the signature Type -> Type
, and the other is the
function call is defined by the type the first one
returns. But the syntax makes it look like two unrelated things. When
you get into the math, types in type systems work exactly like values do
in normal expressions. You can bind them to variables, pass them to
functions (of the correct signature), hide them in closures, etc. So you
have this lambda-calculus-looking “type language” hanging off certain
parts of your normal program’s “term language”, and as it gets fancier
then figuring out the actual values produced by the type language –aka
checking those declarations against the types actually used in the term
language– looks more and more like interpreting it. So if you can write
a lambda calculus interpreter, you can write a type checker.
A compiler is an interpreter too, of
course. I’d always intended Garnet to lean fairly hard on
compile-time evaluation to one extent or another, but I always felt
kinda dirty about it. But I didn’t need to feel dirty, I should have
just embraced it the whole time. Turns out that when you write code that
generates new types at compile-time, you end up very literally having to
execute it like any other program, and the easy way to do that is with
an interpreter. Zig has done a great job showing that you can just do
this and it mostly Works Fine, if you build the language around it
enough. I’m not sure I’m going to build Garnet explicitly around
evaluation like Zig does, ’cause it sure has some
very real drawbacks as well, but it’s nice to have some confirmation
that it’s not something that is automatically a huge mistake.
Most languages you’ll use in everyday life do their best to paper this over with syntactic sugar and semi-arbitrary limitations. I dunno why; maybe just as a convenient shortcut. Some of the limitations make life easier for the compiler, or maybe it’s just ’cause these languages just didn’t start with this sort of type system and have a hard time retrofitting it onto an already-existing language. I expect Garnet will end up doing a bit papering-over of its own, honestly, but it sure does make it a pain in the ass to learn a programming language and then learn the type theory behind it.
So yeah, my original idea for metaprogramming in Garnet, which went “let’s just make structs and closures and generics and see how far you can push it”? Yeah, you can push it all the way. As I’ve discovered the hard way, you don’t really need a lot of things like Rust’s traits, associated types, or similar concepts. You can write ’em with structs, closures and generics, especially if you get a little creative with your definition of “closure”. But rawdogging the type-level code that way isn’t much fun, so we’re almost certainly gonna make a thin layer of sugar atop it. Work shall continue.
The results of all this suffering
I’m actually totally gonna do higher-kinded types in Garnet, which is
slightly insane but I think will be worth it. You’re never gonna make
anything interesting happen if you never do anything slightly
insane. For my fellow grug-brains, higher-kinded types basically let you
have generic types that take type arguments. So in Rust, which doesn’t
have them, you can write a type Vec<T> where T: Ord
but you can’t write
T1<T2> where T1: VecLikeThing, T2: Ord
. Basically
is like a function that takes a type
, but it’s not a first-class function that you
can slot into other expressions. HKT’s more or less mean that you can
have these type-functions and treat them as first-class values inside
types. There’s three main reasons I want this:
- There’s some nice ideas I want to implement that would benefit from this. I THINK you can implement these things without HKT’s just by hacking around some special cases, but I really don’t want to find out the hard way that you can’t. Rossberg’s 1ML seems like one of those things that is obviously an improvement over the existing state of the art, but as far as I can tell nobody since it was published has just sat down and implemented a non-research language around it. So let’s do that.
- Rust has lots of little places where HKT’s would let you do things that get people confused ’cause you feel like they should be possible, but they aren’t. So adding them will hopefully be useful in multiple places.
- I think that HKT’s will let Garnet do some things I want it to do,
mostly by accident. For example, I’ve always had a stupid
no-idea-how-this-is-gonna-work wishlist item for Garnet that goes
something like “can we please not have
all be entirely separate functions you have to write by hand each time?” Turns out you can write a genericiter()
function that returns any type of borrow, by being able to write HKT generics over different kinds. So you can replacefn get<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a T
andfn get_mut<'a>(&'a mut self) -> &'a mut T
with a singlefn get<'a, Borrow>(Borrow<'a, Self>) -> Borrow<'a, T>
. You can write this right now in Zig, if not exactly nicely, so I’m reasonably sure it’ll work. Will it work well? Let’s find out. - They’re not actually that complicated to typecheck, at least when you have a bare-bones version.
Higher-kinded types also have downsides, of course:
- I don’t know how the hell to implement them. Except I do now! The harder trick is going to be figuring out how to compile them to machine code, I suspect, but if I make Garnet refuse to compile anything that would require runtime evaluation then I think it won’t be too bad.
- Similarly, you kiiiiiiinda can’t monomorphize HKT’s, or so I’ve been told. I suppose I’m gonna find out for real, and probably spend a year banging my head against it, but in general Garnet should be pretty okay doing less monomorph than Rust does. Rust is very hardcore about its monomorph and inlining, and that gives it great runtime performance, but also has real downsides in the language and implementation when it comes down to things like ABI. I think that if HKT’s are used sparingly, then an optimization hazard or two won’t hurt much. You’ll always be able to copypasta some code to rewrite something without HKT’s, after all.
- HKT’s probably suck ass a little for type inference. This doesn’t bother me much, at least so far. I think that requiring type declarations for function signatures will solve a lot of the biggest nuisances, and if HKT’s are used rarely already then it shouldn’t be a huge problem. We’ll see how it feels in practice.
- They’re the feature that Let You Do Monads. IMO monads are not exactly a desirable feature that let you write robust and approachable code. As a card-carrying member of the Rust Evangelism Strike Force, I know a toxic fanbase when I see it, and the amount of ink spilled on peoples’ favorite type system features is downright absurd. So I am simply going to say that there are perfectly good reasons to use monads, and also I don’t intend to have them in the stdlib ’cause you usually don’t need them. Write all the monads you want as third-party libraries, I’ll happily sit back and watch. You can tell me how I’m doing it wrong when you spend four years making your own type checker. Watch, the thread on this article will spawn 30 heated comments about this one statement and about 4 other comments about the entire rest of the article.
References for people interested in this:
Borrow checking
A common question/criticism of Garnet from non-language-nerds is “how are you going to make Rust’s borrow checker less painful?” Easy answer: I’m not.
If you want “Rust’s borrow checker but with a bit more slack”, that’s totally valid, but the only way I know of to add that slack is with more runtime help – a garbage collector or automatic reference counting, a JIT with runtime-analysis, stuff like that. But Garnet isn’t a “do things for you” language, it’s a “do what you tell it to” language. If you don’t need care about the details that much, great! Use a different language. That’s fine. Use the right tool for the job!
I do think that “borrow checker with more slack” a really cool and useful design space that needs exploration. The language that does it really well could become the Java or C# or Go for the next 20 years, in terms of popularity and utility. There’s a few languages exploring this by now, but it’s a tough area that is IMO very under-researched by both academia and industry, so you gotta do a lot of the “figure out what actually works well” yourself just like Rust did. There’s no big pile of theory and best practices lying around just waiting for someone to put together into a nice package. But Garnet just isn’t aimed at that design space. When you need something to do exactly what you tell it to, Garnet will be there waiting for you, smaller than Rust and safer than Zig or Odin.
That said, there’s a fair few rough edges in Rust’s borrow checker that I would like to file down:
- Pattern matching on boxes and other reference-like things
- As described, HKT’s allow one to be generic over reference types, maybe even in a way nice enough to be worth doing
- Better partial borrowing of structures and arrays – this edges towards row polymorphism and dependent types, which I’d kinda prefer to avoid, but it would be nice to tinker with.
Some of those are just ergonomic, some of them involve real improvements in power. But to start with, Garnet’s initial borrow checker is gonna be pretty primitive, ’cause I still don’t reeeeeally know how to write a fancier one. There’s really one key limitation I’m going to to start with: data elements like structs or arrays won’t contain references. I believe this is the same restriction Austral makes, and it is the 90% solution. References mainly get used as arguments to function calls anyway, and since function calls (in the absence of async) always form a DAG, checking for these is relatively easy.
This is conceptually a pretty big restriction, but it’s one that
mostly shows up in very specific places: iterators,
reference-like wrapper types such as Cow
, stuff like that.
The aforementioned “borrow checker with some more slack” languages could
make these features special cases or use other constructs
like interior iteration to provide them instead, but that requires a
level of runtime support I want Garnet to avoid. So in the short term
I’ll just hack those features in with unsafe code, and in the long run I
don’t see any good choice for Garnet except to grow a full-featured
Rust-like borrow checker. We’ll see how it goes.
Random compiler engineering lessons
This is probably not too interesting to anyone who isn’t writing a
compiler, so feel free to skip this if you want. For everyone else,
here’s some thoughts I had while reading through the
code recently and pondering how it was put
First off, having a high-level IR layer between your AST and codegen
is great – these days, the old front-end and back-end division in most
compilers looks a lot more like front-end, middle-end and
back-end. It used to be that the middle-end was small and simple enough
to be considered part of the front-end; it just made sure variables were
valid, did very basic type-checking without generics, and maybe resolved
module imports if you were fancy. By now though it’s a pretty
significant part of many compilers – as I said, type checkers are
basically special-purpose interpreters now. So decoupling that step from
both the parser and the codegen lets you mess with the type-checker or
mess with the language syntax without needing to change much else. While
the front-end builds a syntax tree, and the back-end usually works with
a graph of basic blocks in one way or another, the middle-end often
likes to work on a “lowered syntax tree” of some kind or another. In
it’s a slightly-cleaned-up AST I just call
, in rustc
it’s called “MIR” and is lower
level than Garnet’s hir
but is still recognizably a tree of
program expressions instead of a list of assembly instructions. As
always, these boundaries are fuzzy and artificial, but what started out
as “I’m going to regret duplicating all this AST stuff aren’t I” has
turned out startlingly pleasant in practice as the compiler grows and
I didn’t really expect this, in my
functional-programming-language-coded brain, but the visitor
pattern when done right is a really nice way of walking
over a heterogenous tree like an AST. I could write a lot more about it
but the key is the slightly mind-melting interaction between
and walk()
functions mentioned in the
link above. Instead of a map()
function that has to apply a
function to a node and decide whether and how to recurse on
child nodes, walk()
only does the recursion, and
only does the application, and unlike my naive
implementation, visit()
gets to decide
explicitly when to call walk()
. It gives you a sort of
double-dispatch that is very flexible and modular, vs. writing all the
recursion code by hand each time and, in my experience, spending a
lot of time finding the small important differences are in a
swath of near-identical boilerplate. Switching from
map(Expr, Fn(Expr) -> Expr) -> Expr
to a visitor has
already solved a couple of bugs. You can write
as higher-order
functions that look more like map()
, but you quite
rapidly want multiple versions of the function for different node types,
and if you decide to pack them all into a struct full of callbacks and
default functions it starts looking a whole lot like a visitor anyway.
Writing visitors correctly still isn’t trivial, but it slots a lot more
easily into my brain than a Haskell-style API with deep piles of
combinators. That said, some people (like the blog post previously
linked) do a really good job with the piles-of-combinators approach, so
both are valid.
Punting most of the back-end until later has been a heckin’ great idea. With a new type checker I’m probably gonna rewrite the entire HIR layer, which would have to change what the back-end ingests anyway, so putting a lot of work into it would just cause more work to be fixed up when the HIR changes. And since in the long term I don’t want to use LLVM or compile to C or anything like that, I’m going to end up rewriting the back-end again when I rewrite this in Garnet to bootstrap it. So far, my “it’s stupid but it works” solution of outputting Rust code has worked absurdly well. Which is a shame, ’cause I think codegen is a lot more fun than type-checking, but I did the intelligent thing for once and started this project by tackling the hardest problem.
Unfortunately, writing the compiler in Rust was the right move. The
right move SHOULD have been OCaml. While it’s been ages since I touched
it for real I know OCaml, I love OCaml, and Rust’s control over memory
adds nothing useful to a bootstrap compiler that doesn’t need to be
particularly fast. But I recently read through a bunch of someone else’s
OCaml code, hacked on it some, tinkered around, translated bits of it to
and from Rust, etc, and… hoo boy, actually using Rust is so much
nicer than OCaml. (The caveat of course being that I already know
Rust quite well.) Only like 20% of that niceness is due to the language
itself. I low key hate OCaml’s lack of namespacing for enum and struct
members, but all its other nuisances I pretty much know how to work
around. But holy fuck I do not want to learn to write a
package. I do not want to learn Nix just so I can use
consistently. I do not want to figure out how to get
OCaml libraries as good as argh
or logos
or criterion
or log
or codespan-reporting
. I’m sure it’s
possible, more or less, but I don’t want to bother. Is this laziness?
Well, yes. It absolutely
is. So I just went with what I knew, and it turned out to be the
right choice. I could also have used F# or Haskell; they might be pretty
okay, but Haskell has tooling problems as least as ugly-sounding as
OCaml does. Maybe writing it in F# would have been the better move, I’d
have to Git Gud at F# but it sounds more fun than dune
does. But cargo
is right there, sitting around
just working reliably, easily and consistently, pretty much the same way
it did in 2017. The Rust ecosystem feels like it has caused a gigantic
brain-drain of capable toolsmiths from other languages, so I might as
well take advantage of it.
So yeah. If any other language dev nerds want to write a non-trivial compiler and keep it going for years, that’s my wisdom to pass on to them.